iamstickman says:
hey there.
this skin is really compact and all
so if you have a large screen
this will look reallyyy small
but yeahs.
it's small.
live with it :D
so yeps, type into the box below to navigate.
(don't click the big red x of doom. it'll close the window)
(or i could be kidding)
(ha! you'll never know :D)
hate me, get lost.
i don't enetertain bitches.
(Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 2:22 PM)
my condolences, yoko-san.. says:
1435 hours
wee~ didn't go to school today..
was 'sick'.. hahah!
no, serious, i was sick.
not really looking forward to school.
i'm already in my holiday mood!!
can the holidays come faster?
hmmmmmm... let me count..
3 more days to holidays!
but hopefully i don't have to go for SSP..
but i guess i'm already down for it..
but i don't think so..
but for sure, i have to go SIP because i was late!
hahah! lame... -.-
ok, that's all..
i'm getting tired of blogs..
my condolences to you, yokocho..
i'm sorry for your mum, but you're the best son your mum would ever have!
you've spent your youth working to help your mum.
you've spent your money on the family and not yourself.
you've always thought about your mum, even when you're working.
you've even included your mum in your song 'Onigishi'.
it's because of her that you joined Johnny's.
it's because of her that you're internationally known.
it's because of her that you're now successful.
and it's because of her that you have to, no matter what, try your best to make her proud.
even though she's not around anymore, she'll always be watching you.
"itsumademo kimi wo mitsumeteta.." (Snow White)
do your best!!
"Boku wa ganbaru wo seiipai ganbatteru yo" (Onigishi)
you'll always have fans supporting you, Yokoyama Kimitaka! (: (:
may your mother rest in peace.
(Friday, May 21, 2010 @ 10:24 PM)
fanwork? maybe.. (: says:
2228 hours
got back my results!
not that good though..
failed a few subjects, but hope my CA can pull my grades up! (:
i don't know what else to write on my blog..
hmm.. maybe i'll start writing a story?
ooh, better still, a fanwork! (:
yeaps, i got my inspiration from a livejournal user who created many fanwork fictions..
mostly about Johnnys, but it's super awesome! (:
well, hope i can create a story as good as hers too! (:
ok, that's all for today's post..
the weather's super warm!!!!!!!!
i'm perspiring like hell right now...
sweating like a pig! ):
(Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 1:32 PM)
happy birth 25thday, tacchon (; says:
16th day of the moth May marks this guys' birthday!!
he's not just any guy though..
i had a hard time doing this poster..
and i guess i have the right to post and brag about it!
ok, shan't talk about it anymore..
tomorrow's marking day!!
going to celebrate it at Carissa's house! (: (:
can't wait! ^^
but the next day after that is the DOOMED day..
we're getting back our results...
all the best, everyone!!
hope you passed ALL your papers!! (:
ok, that's all..
1346 hours
"ah, there's something growing on it!
what is this?
eee, disgusting!
oh, wait! look at this! i made it myself ^^ *grins*
(Saturday, May 8, 2010 @ 9:01 PM)
happy birthday, yoko-chan and yama-chan! (: says:
2228 hours

hahah! look at that! they look almost similar, don't they?
(from left to right) Yamashita Tomohisa a.k.a Yamapi(NEWS), Yamada Ryosuke (Hey!Say!JUMP), Horikita Maki
it's the exam period and i totally forgot about Yama-chan's (Yamada) birthday!!
but, he's not the only one in Johnny's whose birthday is tomorrow!
as i'm only a fan of K8, NEWS, Hey!Say!JUMP and Arashi, i'm not sure who else is born on 9th of May..
but anyways, in advanced,
and...HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY YOKO-CHAN!!! (Yokoyama Yu from Kanjani8)
please don't grow up and stay the way you are! (:
okays, that's all for Johnny's updates!
oh, no, not yet!
there's rumours that Tegoshi has a blonde girlfriend..
i'd be happy for him if that's true! (:
Note: a true fan would be happy when their idols have found their precious treasure!
and check this out!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WUz6HzLaxo&feature=PlayList&p=881CAE48A8A5FD98&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=7
Note: it's for fun, joy and laughter.. but it's better if you download the rest of the parts cuz fansubbing is actually illegal..
oh,.. check this out too!!!

look at this photo and you went.. "awww.. so who's this pretty girl here?" ne?oh, you think it's a girl? no~...
it's actually a he! yeaps, the 'girl' was this handsome guy here born on 9th May 1993 with the name Yamada Ryosuke, part of the Hay!Say!JUMP group.
he seems to be the next Yamapi.. well, for Johnny fans, you should know what i mean.. (:
okays! officially ending my post here!
p/s.. Okura Tadayoshi is hot.. he's awesome.. nothing but awesome.. yeaps, an awesome.. i mean SUPER awesome drummer of Kanjani∞ ^^
i'll never be able to end my post properly, ne?
(Thursday, May 6, 2010 @ 3:51 PM)
Johnnys simply rock! says:
1558 hours
hey yo! how long has it been?
a month?! yeaps, around there..
i miss typing on dear lappie!!
had math paper just now, totally flunked it.
as in, TOTALLY..
there goes my chance to pass math.. ):
i realized that while doing my papers, kanjani8 songs kept playing in my head..
hahah! k8 freak..
oh, nono.. Johnny's freak.. yeah, that's more i like it.. heehee..
my sis had put up a livejournal talking about Johnny's..
but i wonder what the address is..
everyone is so into k-pop..
no doubt, it IS nice..
but i still prefer j-pop..
they are more.. childish..
okays, having POA paper tomorrow..
p/s, please don't get angry if i always talk about johnnys.. well, it IS supposed to be my personal comments about JE...